This is the World Down Syndrome Day theme for March 21, 2024. End the Stereotypes is the message they want supporters around the world to share.
On the website, there are real examples of stereotypes in action. For people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities, these stereotypes can stop them from being treated like other people and the stereotypes can be difficult to change. The stories shared from around the world highlight issues like: we get treated like children, we are underestimated and we are excluded.
Pearl from Switzerland stated, "Some people think that people with Down syndrome can’t live ‘normal’ lives. That’s wrong! And what is ‘normal’ anyway?"
Well said, Pearl! Who gets to define normal? Isn't it better when you can be yourself and show off your abilities, unique strengths and passions?
Westlake High School is proud to be a Unified Champion School. Unified Champion Schools have climates where students with disabilities feel welcome and are routinely included in, and feel a part of all activities, opportunities and functions.
We can continue to create and support spaces in Eanes where all individuals succeed because they are empowered to be their best self.
I recently attended a soccer game at the high school. The stadium is so big and overwhelming, and the parents have been trying to get more fans in attendance at these games. A group of students from the Spirit Team went on to the track in front of us and started a cheer for the team. It completely changed the energy and enthusiasm in the stands! The Westlake Spirit Team brings together students with and without disabilities in equal measure and on equal grounds to cheer. We became a truly spirited school that night thanks to their leadership and I hope the varsity soccer players felt supported by their school community as well.
This year, as a member in the Westlake Chamber of Commerce, we visited the Adult Transition Services (ATS) program. We heard a great presentation from EISD Administration on how local businesses can partner with the program to provide life skills experiences and job opportunities. Students presented to us where they were currently working, and one student shared with us the story of starting her very own business fueled by her passion for baking. I love partner programs and would like to bring more awareness to increase engagement.
Society tries to define what is 'normal'. This weekend we can all be more like Pearl and challenge labeling and stereotypes. We can be intentional in our interactions, words and inclusivity to ensure that every single person, no matter what, is 100% included and 100% empowered. To achieve this type of a society, everyone has a part to play. We each have our individual identity, interests, gifts and talents that we can use to support and elevate each other. In honor of World Down Syndrome Day, we must come together with a common goal to leave behind stereotypes and look at people for who they are. Maybe I'll see you at the E4E Jubilee!